We Pay You To Coach Your Agents And Increase Their Production

Referral Sweet makes your agents "Become More Referable" with a proven multi-channel approach to referral marketing and personal branding keeping their mind top of mind, plus we'll pay you for each agent we coach.

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We Increase Agent Production Through Top Of Mind Brand Awareness. Click To See How

Here’s What's Included With A Referral Sweet Membership :

Relationship Manager CRM ($24/month Value)

Finally a simple CRM dedicated to remaining top of mind with ALL of your relationships. Streamline and simplify how you nurture your relationships each month.

Video Email ($49/month Value)

Nurture your relationships with cemails they look forward to receiving. Each month we give you the email copy, subject line, and even video script so you can make it your own.

Set It & Forget Direct Mail Nurturing ($49/month Value)

Stop farming strangers and start farming your relationships without lifting a finger. Our campaigns will automatically go out each month without lifting a finger!

Fresh Customizable Social Content Each Month Content ($97/monthValue)

Stop thinking about what to do or say on social media. Each month you have access to a social media calendar with 8 customizable short form video scripts plus 12 other pieces of customizable content and/or instructions.

Live Group Coaching ($497 Value)

Attend 2 live group coaching calls each month with The Real Estate Marketing Dude where you can bring all your personal branding, social media,video, ads, or other marketing questions.

Personalized Onboarding ($497 Value)

Within your first 30 days, you'll received 2 onboarding calls to assist you in getting your database uploaded and making sure you understand the system so you can hit the ground running!

Online Courses ($497+ Value)

Access additional training courses such as Transactional Marketing & Short Form Video Creation.

Optional Upgrade For Your Agents

Your agents do not have to join Referral Sweet, but if they do they will received a 20-40% discount.

Earn Extra Revenue

For each Referral Sweet membership that is unlocked, we'l pay you 50% of the membership fees.Plus for every subscription that is created, we'll pay you 50%.

Increase Agent Production Without Buying Leads Or Taking Risk

Plus, we pay you for each agent you want us to make locally famous (amongst their database).

See How Sweet Assist Works?